Teenage photographer Peter Parker is sent by the Daily Bugle to investigate a series of mystery lights in a wooded area outside of the city, when a sudden landslide forces him to swerve off the road and land in a tree. Realizing he's in a precarious spot, Peter slides down in the driver's seat and out of sight, only to rise back up again as he finishes a quick change into Spider-Man. He lowers the car to the ground and finds the hidden entrance to a secret laboratory operated by his nemesis, Doctor Octopus, who captures the young hero and reveals his plan to blow up part of New York. Octopus has also sent a warning letter to the Daily Bugle about it, so that people can evacuate before the demonstration, but Jameson thinks it's just a crank letter. Betty Brant drives off to the place he (Peter) was heading to, but she is also captured. Spider-Man manages to free both himself and Betty, then stops the nefarious villain in his tracks, saving the city from destruction.
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