
Tuesday 13 May 2014

Cloud City Of Gold | Spider-Man Cartoon Series | Season 2 | Ep # 50

While in South America as an exchange student, Peter Parker and his host professor are flying in a plane over the Andes Mountains during a lightning storm when the plane crashes. The professor, the pilot and the planes navigator all survive, but there is no sign of young Peter. Just as they notice that they're trapped in a hostile jungle with dangerous natives watching their every move, none other than Spider-Man comes swinging to the rescue. After building a raft to escape the natives, Spider-Man leads them into an underground river after getting caught in a whirlpool. While underground, Spider-Man fights vampire bats using soundwaves to mess up their senses. After finally coming out of the cave they finally see the Cloud City of Gold which is ruled by a 15th Century conquistador named DeVargas who attacks them with a giant golden eagle. As Spider-Man battles the flying monster, the professor and the crew are captured by DeVargas. After defeating the eagle by making it crash, Spider-Man finds himself trapped by a giant spider in the mouth of a volcano which he also defeats. DeVargas then tries to do Spider-Man in by firing a cannon at him while he remains inside the volcano, causing an eruption. Spider-Man frees his companions and escapes the Cloud City right before the entire mountain containing the city explodes. Back at the crash site, Spider-Man disappears and the professor and crew find Peter waiting for them. They are finally rescued by helicopter.

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